Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Searching for Bobby Fischer

-12 with light snow in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 4:47 and Sunset at 0:47.
1 hour and 50 more minutes than my last blog!  The ice is melting...its melting...its melting!

BINGO TALLY -13 Losses and 2 Wins!
Started Scrabble tournament today.  My score so far is 327
The person with the highest accumulative score at the end of break up is the winner.

The latest press release on the road conditions.  The crossing here is the Mackenzie River.

I have now learned to play Indian BINGO.  Those are not my words so I can use them.  It is quite interesting.  There is also a game here called Snurt that is very similar to Dutch Blitz.  They use 20 cards instead of 10 in their piles and they can start at one or 13 in the middle.  The piles count up or down depening on the start number but it is basically the same game.

Indian BINGO is a variation of the gift exchange we may have all done with our families and friends at one time.  The dice go around the circle of players.  If you roll doubles you get a wrapped gift from the centre.  The roles continue until all the gifts are gone from the centre.  You keep rolling even if you already have a gift and can collect more.  Once all the items from the middle are gone the packages are unwrapped one by one so you can figure out which one you want to steal.  THEN....the clock starts.  15 minutes!

They started with two sets of dice and put in a third at one point.  The game is simple.  Roll a double and take a gift from anyone.  Keep rolling and keep taking gifts when you get doubles.  What you have when the clock runs out is what you take home.   Well, I was up by five and down to 1 and up to three and left with none.  There were a few things that moved like hotcakes to everyone's pile and it was a blast!  The timers were having so much fun watching they let the clock roll an extra 15 minutes.  My knees hurt but it was fun!

After all that hard work...I ended up with a wooden cutting board.  There were a few ladies in the corner hiding their gifts underneath them but I didn't play too hard core.  The Mother's Day BBQ lunch beforehand was cooked on the fire outside and it was fantastic.

I am down to 100 white beads but the projects are still coming on the other colours that remain.  Trying out a red frog on the project still on the loom.  I have some busy ladies at Community Living Cambridge putting together a bead care package.  Social Committee Rocks!  I am dreaming about light and dark pinks, light yellow and mint green again!  Mahsi Cho (Thank You) Ladies!

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