Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pippi Longstocking

-1 degree with light snow in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 9:43 and Sunset at 19:36.
Things have changed quickly.  There are 10 hours of sunlight now and I was just starting to get used to the midnight sun!

BINGO TALLY Conclusion - The stats are too dark and dismal - Luck has not been on my side!

I have to start looking at job postings now.  My contract is up November 30, 2011 or when the ice road opens if it delays past that point.  We are only a week or two away from the river freezing up.  There has been some major snow this week.  It may be here to stay.  The dogs had a good run in the fluffy snow on Monday.  Charlie and Shakespeare are doing fine.  I have made arrangements to get food for them from Whitehorse.  Charlie has to have Royal Canine food from the vet so it was good to figure out how to get it here.  I will be getting it this week.  Just in time for freeze up.

I have settled into the community well and have enjoyed my time here.  It was not as difficult as expected as far as accessing resources but I was not expecting to have to do everything on my own.  I have had to ask questions about everything and learn everything for myself.  You all know that I leave books of information for the people who follow in my footsteps.  I will leave another one of which I will be the sole author.  There are some things you should be told or shown.  Seriously!  The catch phrase I have learned by heart as the answer when you complain is..."welcome to the North."  It is not so very welcoming but it allows you in and eventually you survive long enough to fall in love with it's beauty.

I have learned some new language and syntax such as...

There is more of a Haa than an Eh at the end of sentences.  Are we going to play scrabble today?  If there is not a quick enough answer you will hear.  Haa and your name followed by an implied question mark?  You have to be quick.  "Killer quick."  Perhaps, "Killer" as an adjective is used as often as "like," in the South.

The weather in the winter is "killer cold" but the right clothes are all you need to be comfortable.

A camp out at a friend's house does not necessarily mean outdoors and may refer to the traditional sleep over.  Always clarify with your kids if they will need "killer warm" outdoor clothes or if they are going to sleep indoors.  "Playing out," is similar but more straightforward.  At least it implies that you are playing outside but it may mean you are going over to another friends house to play as well.  In short you can move your magnet to out on the board.  I will be out.  Where?  There are only so many places to look so it will not take you long to find me anyway!

A pair of mittens that belong to you may be referred to as (your name here)'s one.  The four wheeler is ___'s one.  The skidoo is ___'s one.  Whose one's that?  This blog is Jojogirl's one.

And finally...

A Delta Braid does not have anything to do with hair.  I am in the Beaufort-Delta region of NT.
Doing the Delta Braid
Lynn Lau Northern News Services
Inuvik (Nov 19/01)

They call it a Delta braid, even though it's not a braid at all. From far away, this special parka trim looks like any store-bought riffraff, but up close, you can see it's not.  Each Delta braid is unique, made up of hundreds of little squares of coloured cloth meticulously folded and sewn to form a ribbon of intricate designs.

The Delta braid distinguishes the parkas worn in this region from other parkas. And it all began with one woman.  At least that's what Maureen Elias has heard.  "My granny invented it, that's what they say," says the 60-year-old Inuvialuit woman, who has produced many of the parka and trims seen in the Delta.
Perhaps, Elias considers, the Delta braid was named for her granny's long locks, which she wore in plaits so long that she could wrap them round her baby pack and tie them at her waist.  Elias learned how to sew from watching her mother and especially her aunties, who wore beautiful parkas.
Over the years, she's made countless parkas and trims for her large family, and for the many people who see her work and want something of their own.  Elias has sent Delta braid to Alaska, the Yukon, Tsiigehtchic, Fort McPherson, Aklavik, Yellowknife and Tuktoyaktuk.
Back in the days when she was working for the local sewing centre, she even made nine parka covers for the British royal family. "Queen Elizabeth, her husband and her kids, I made parkie covers for. They were a nice light blue."  Elias sews so much, she wears out a machine every two years. Two Singers sit on the floor and one stays on her sewing table -- she alternates "when one of them goes funny." She's got even more machines under the house.
In every corner of the bedroom that doubles as her sewing room, she has crammed treasures that will one day become parts of parkas - beautiful floral muslin for the "Mother Hubbard" style parka, two tanned wolverine furs under the bed, bits of lace in boxes by her sewing table.
Ironically, Elias was named for a woman whose sewing was known to be slow and sloppy.  To make sure Elias wouldn't turn out like the woman who was her namesake, her grand-aunt called on some magic. Everyday, she would rub Elias's hands to make her sewing fast and neat.  Six decades later, ribbons of that magic can still be found on the hems of parkas just about everywhere in the Delta.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happiness is a Warm Blanket Charlie Brown

7 degrees and partly cloudy in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 7:14 and Sunset at 22:31.
Starting to notice the return of darkness in the evenings but it is not fully dark.

BINGO TALLY - 23 Losses and 2 Wins!

School is back in session.  Summer was relaxing.  Did some camping, picking berries, had some dry fish and fish strips.  Did a little bit of canoeing and spent some time in Inuvik.  They have a really nice rec complex with a pool and ice rink.  It is nice to have the car.

Came across the idea of a medicine blanket and thought it was a really nice and healthy comfy practice we all do without even knowing it.  I haven't been able to get much information about a blanket ceremony but came across info on wedding ceremonies, an article about the US Marine Corps being Honoured with Native American Blanket Ceremony and a mdiwife'a really touching and meaningful blog post about how she uses blankets in her life and work.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


23 degrees and partly cloudy in Tsiigehtchic today.
24 Hours of Sunshine - Is still here!
There is a sunrise and a sunset posted on The Weather Network but it is still not dark in the evenings.

BINGO TALLY -17 Losses and 2 Wins!

I have been reflecting lately on the history of the things we have that can tell such stories.  I am here with the 2001 Toyota Echo and the pups, Charlie and Shakespeare.  Who knew one day they would go beyond the arctic circle?

Who knew I would be playing Mario Party WII in Tsiigehtchic with the neighbourhood kids twice a week?  Who knew the care package from a friend would contain some food that was used to host a meal for the neighbours?  Who knew that the towel from the care package would greatly assist in removing the inch of dirt off the car from the Dempster (yes the highway is a dirt road)!

The potentially useless give away of a wallet for signing up with Suzy Shier's frequent buyer program has found a use as a convenient light weight travel item.  Who knew the beading loom I bought over 15 years ago would end up in the arctic circle and that I would be beading lots of fun pieces and making decorative pouches out of them from moose hide?

Who knew that my rubber boots would get a pound of Mackenzie River mud on them from treking along the beach in Tsiigehtchic?

That I would almost loose my sandals in a foot of mud unless I put on those rubber boots?
Quicksand (mud) is real and alive on the Mackenzie River beach!  You can go more than knee deep!

That the diary I started almost ten years ago would chronicle my time North of 60?
That items I had been storing to donate to charities in gift baskets would be used for Scrabble tournament prizes?  I won a nice travel pouch for personal items in the Scrabble Tournament.  It's really nice and has come in very handy.  The logo says Canadian North.  Seriously Northern.  Seeeeeriouly!  I hear people say seriously and honestly in a long drawn out fashion in discussions.  It's very easy to catch on to before you even realize that you have.

It strikes me sometimes when I go to use something and there in an interesting history of where I aquired it and where it has come.  You never know what is possible and where you will find yourself in life.  

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

9 degrees and overcast in Tsiigehtchic today.
24 Hours of Sunshine - Is still here!

BINGO TALLY -16 Losses and 2 Wins!
Scrabble Tournament Score 1987 over 7 Games - 1st Place! - Average of 284 per game - not bad!  I play on Facebook if you want to challenge!

The Spring break up adventure has come to a close.  It was actually a really nice time.  I had the opportunity to get to know the people in the community better.

I have lots of pics uploaded of the spring break up and latest activities.

I flew home for my brother's wedding and drove back in a 2001 Toyota Echo.  All went well.  No break downs or flat tires.  Just tired and had to rest swoollen ankles!  It was a long journey but a fantastic ride.  Lots of wildlife including Dall Sheep and Bison.  There was a moose, deer and bear.  Foxes, rabbits and porcupine were also finding their way to the other side of the road.

We travelled to Edmonton non-stop then stopped in Grande Prairie, Liard River, Whitehorse and Dawson. We stopped for a dip in the Liard Hot Springs and saw the Dust to Dawson crowd in Dawson City.  They were a group of motorcyclists who travel there from all over the world for a yearly festival that incudes lots of fun and games. 

The trip from Dawson to Tsiigehtchic is 646 km but took 12 hours on the gravel roads.  The speed you can travel depends on the condition of the road and changes rapidly hour by hour.

The best scenery was at the Tombstone Mountains.  Wow!

Drin Gwiinzii 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

7 degrees with a few clouds in Tsiigehtchic today.
24 Hours of Sunshine - Here it Comes!  
3 Hours and 10 more minutes than my last blog.  The river is clear...its clear...its clear!

BINGO TALLY -16 Losses and 2 Wins!
Scrabble Tournament Score 873 over three games - I play on Facebook if you want to challenge!

Week two of the ice break up is over.  It was not as difficult as I expected.  The ice break up was late this year and the water is now clear of ice.  The ferry will likely go in the water this week.  It will be three weeks of no road access when it is typically a 4-6 week wait.  People are now crossing the river by boat and using the cars they left on the other side of the river to get to Inuvik.

I have some pictures and video if the ice break up but I have to wait until the 1st of June to post them as I am pretty close to using my 15 GB download allowance per month.

We have been getting mail once a week by helicopter.  I hope that Canada Post does not go on strike!  The mail is so important here.  I got some pics of a helicopter landing this morning.  It was a passenger transport and not the mail service but it was pretty cool.

I have had a hard time sleeping despite blacking out the window in the bedroom.  You just have to get to bed at a reasonable time and not wait for your body to tell you you are tired. 

There was a bake sale this past Friday as there is no more bread in the store.  The event went well and they would like to do it again this Friday.  Fresh plain donuts are a local tradition and taste amazing.  One person made 64 donuts.  They were sold in 10 minutes time for $1.00 a piece.  Not a bad gig.  A loaf of fresh bread goes for $10.00.  That is pretty reasonable considering the cost of the ingredients.

Looking forward to going home and seeing family on June 15.  My brother's wedding is in North Bay on June 18.  I have not had a chance to go shopping for clothes but I will figure something out.  I am not sure if beaded moose hide is appropriate attire...

Drin Gwiinzii 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom

8 degrees with a few clouds in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 4:28 and Sunset at 1:18.
1 Hour and 44 more minutes than my last blog!  The ice is breaking...its breaking...its breaking!

BINGO TALLY -14 Losses and 2 Wins!
Scrabble Score 327 - I play on Facebook if you want to challenge!

I took a walk along the river today.  There was some water flow that created a huge pile up of ice on the road exiting the town.  Check out the pics.

Well I had a lot of Happy Birthday well wishers and enjoyed a cook out in a great spot over looking the Arctic Red River.  I got to try shooting a crossbow!

There is a lot of hunting for water fowl right now.  I could hear gun shots not too far off while I was hiking up Tsiigehtchic hill.

Drin Gwiinzii

Monday, May 16, 2011

Raiders of the Lost Ark

4 degrees with a few clouds in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 4:28 and Sunset at 1:18.
50 more minutes than my last blog!  The road is closed...its closed...its closed!

BINGO TALLY -13 Losses and 2 Wins!
Scrabble Score 327 - I play on Facebook if you want to challenge!
(Hint Hint - I need some fun things to do with friends!)

Week 1 - Ice Break Up - Road Closed
The coping strategy is to have a lot of fun and activities over the next few weeks.
Scrabble, Yahtzee. Food and Craft events.  Of course if there is an organizer.

Big flashing green arrow in the sky pointing down at me.
It didn't need a traversable road to get there!

The planning begins and the posters go out Wednesday...I think it will be a lot of fun!

Reminds me of the black out in Southern Ontario when no one had anything to do but actually go outside and talk with their neighbours.  I see a lot of people talking in groups outside already.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Searching for Bobby Fischer

-12 with light snow in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 4:47 and Sunset at 0:47.
1 hour and 50 more minutes than my last blog!  The ice is melting...its melting...its melting!

BINGO TALLY -13 Losses and 2 Wins!
Started Scrabble tournament today.  My score so far is 327
The person with the highest accumulative score at the end of break up is the winner.

The latest press release on the road conditions.  The crossing here is the Mackenzie River.

I have now learned to play Indian BINGO.  Those are not my words so I can use them.  It is quite interesting.  There is also a game here called Snurt that is very similar to Dutch Blitz.  They use 20 cards instead of 10 in their piles and they can start at one or 13 in the middle.  The piles count up or down depening on the start number but it is basically the same game.

Indian BINGO is a variation of the gift exchange we may have all done with our families and friends at one time.  The dice go around the circle of players.  If you roll doubles you get a wrapped gift from the centre.  The roles continue until all the gifts are gone from the centre.  You keep rolling even if you already have a gift and can collect more.  Once all the items from the middle are gone the packages are unwrapped one by one so you can figure out which one you want to steal.  THEN....the clock starts.  15 minutes!

They started with two sets of dice and put in a third at one point.  The game is simple.  Roll a double and take a gift from anyone.  Keep rolling and keep taking gifts when you get doubles.  What you have when the clock runs out is what you take home.   Well, I was up by five and down to 1 and up to three and left with none.  There were a few things that moved like hotcakes to everyone's pile and it was a blast!  The timers were having so much fun watching they let the clock roll an extra 15 minutes.  My knees hurt but it was fun!

After all that hard work...I ended up with a wooden cutting board.  There were a few ladies in the corner hiding their gifts underneath them but I didn't play too hard core.  The Mother's Day BBQ lunch beforehand was cooked on the fire outside and it was fantastic.

I am down to 100 white beads but the projects are still coming on the other colours that remain.  Trying out a red frog on the project still on the loom.  I have some busy ladies at Community Living Cambridge putting together a bead care package.  Social Committee Rocks!  I am dreaming about light and dark pinks, light yellow and mint green again!  Mahsi Cho (Thank You) Ladies!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cast Away

-6 with a few clouds in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 5:47 and Sunset at 23:57.
3 hours and 53 more minutes than my last blog!  The ice road is expected to break up in the next few weeks!

BINGO TALLY -12 Losses and 2 Wins!

I hope to get to Inuvik this week for supplies before the road closes.  I better get brushed up on my survival skills before we get stranded here over spring.

We had these plaques made to commemorate the elders and had a feast where they were presented with this gift.  It is an engraving in black granite of the two churches on the hill coming into town.  The old one is to the right and the new one has the wooden walkway.  The saying above the churches is in Gwich'in and translates as, "We will be Strong Minded Elders."

Well here is evidence of how I have been spending some of my time.  If you want to send me some beads and a bead loom pattern I will see what I can put together for you.  I can find a pattern online if you know what you want as well.  It has been fun to put these together.  I would like to put the turtle on a debit card wallet and have a string to hang it around my neck instead of carrying a purse around.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

State Fair

-16 and clear in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 7:10 and Sunset at 22:41.
2 hours and 48 more minutes than my last blog!  The ice road is expected to break up by the end of April!

BINGO TALLY -11 Losses and 2 Wins!
There haven't been any games because the licenses are being renewed.
Apparently the party starts again this Friday.

Our Mackenzie River Jamboree is a great Jamboree.  Don't miss it.  Don't even be late!

A lot has happened.  I have put up some pictures of the Jamboree in Inuvik and Tsiigehtchic.  I loved all the great jackets, mittens and boots that everyone was wearing for the occasion.

Warning.  I did put up a pic of some of the mess in the Magic Bus!  I was surprised to receive some compensation from housing for my hard work.  I am very grateful (no pun intented).  I had to replace all the floor registers!

I won a jiving contest and egg spoon race at the local Mackenzie Jamboree.  The guys in the egg on your spoon race were all going too fast and lost their eggs.  One guy did a face plant and the girls were victorious!!!  $50.00 for each of my wins!  Definitely worth joining in the fun.  I will have to watch out that my jive doesn't make it to youtube apparently...:)

I did not do too well at the tea boiling competition.  You have to light a fire and get a pot of snow to melt and come to a full boil.  Apparently matches don't like to burn for more than a few seconds in the cold.  I was supposed to light the matchbook on fire and not just individual matches.

I cooked pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausages for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday at the Jamboree in Tsiigehtchic.  I was with three other kitchen staff and we had to really get organized the feed the hungry hordes.  I made sure to get my breakfast hot the second day instead of getting stuck with the the cold leftovers at the end.  A fun weekend!

I have had some difficult spots to work through lately.  Getting some particular programs in place has been a trying process.  When I did get what I wished for I didn't realize that I had wished for what I got.  Each session is bringing better results but has been emotionally taxing.

The kids at school have asked me if i know that I have white hair so many times that I finally broke out a kit I purchased on Inuvik for $20.00 to dye it.  I can't remember the last time I did it myself.  Poor Southern salon girl!  It turned out well anyway.

I look forward to going to my brother David's wedding to his fiancee Megan in June.  Hopefully I will pave the way for the dogs to come back with me.  I will be in North Bay so unfortunately I will not be able to see everyone but it will be nice to get back for a short visit.

Lots of love.  Lost some steam there in keeping the blog up to date but hopefully things are back on the right track.  I only get 15 GB of data with my internet package.  It is $10.00 a GB after that and there are no larger packages.  Monopoly!  I have to watch my internet use anyway.

Luckily I am getting some movie care packages.!  Thanks...:)

Drin Gwinzii

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A River Runs Through It

-8 and overcast in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 8:45 and Sunset at 21:18.
40 more minutes than my last blog!  Will this nice weather stay or are there more freezing temperatures to come?

BINGO TALLY -11 Losses and 2 Wins!

I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes on Friday.  Everything went well.  I took Jello home the night before so it would be ready on time.  Berry flavour blue jello just to make dessert a little freaky.  Turned out great!

The meatloaf and mashed potatoes went well.  I went back to the house once for an extra pan.  Things disappear from the gym kitchen if they are left behind so there are no real pots and pans to use in the gym cooking area.  It requires a lot of thinking to get all the right pieces together to cook a meal.

I was surprised to see the number of people that drive in Tsiigehtchic.  Not surprised that people have licenses or cars but that they drive everywhere even if it their destiantion can be seen out their front window.  I walk back and forth with all my pots and pans to the school and people wave at me from their cars.  I usually can't wave back because I have my hands full.  I figure it makes me look tough and people will be worried about trying to get in the way of that crazy wellness worker who walks through town carrying all those heavy packages. 

I pulled an old dresser out of the Wellness Centre that was breaking into pieces.  I set it out on the curb by myself one morning.  Perhaps it will reinforce the message not to mess with the fiesty kid in the Magic Bus.  I also made a list of all the things I cleaned and took care of in the Magic Bus when I first arrived and gave it to the landord.  The faint of heart would have been hopitalized by now.

Bannock wasn't on the menu today but there was a young helper in the kitchen who really wanted to do some baking.  She measured out the flour and labouriously patted it down evenly into the pan while I was stiring the potatoes.  Yes, I didn't have a mixing bowl and we made the bannock in the same pan that we used to bake it in the oven.  I intervened in the flour feng shui and added the other ingredients into the mix.  My helper and I had all our hands in the dough and it was sticking to us more than it was being shaped into dough.  Bannock is a stickier dough than traditional bread recipes.  I pulled the extra dough off the little fingers of my helper to facilitate the process.  I mixed up the ingredients more thoroughly and held the big ball of dough in my hands while my helper took the time to wash the pan.  I had to enlist some extra help to stir the vegetables and potatoes while I was otherwise occupied.  We shaped the dough into separate balls and placed them in the pan about 15 minutes before supper needed to be ready and put it in the oven.  I developed a plan to have the bannock dropped off after it was ready and left with the meal. 

I had my meal ready on time and my ride arrived to pick everything up with expert timing.  Everythng was served on time and without incident.  Then someone asked if I had made some bannock.  I told him there might be some in the school gym if he was willing to go for a walk and pick it up.  No takers.  Probably a good thing because when the bannock arrived it looked suspiciously more brown that expected.  It was also crunchier than expected.  Oops!  We forgot to turn the temperature down from the one it was set to for the meatloaf!  There were some who ate the middle of the bun but most of the bannock was lost to the trash heap.  Better luck next time! 

The program is in process of ending until the application to continue the funding is completed and approved.  We'll see if they invite me back for another season.  The review on the meatloaf and potatoes definitely received a 10 strong stamp of approval.  The effort on the bannock did not go unoticed and good graces were given for another try.  Stay tuned for season 2 - more unconventional cooking with teapots and fingerprint patterns in the flour to die for!

I am looking forward to completing part of a special project this coming week.  I am getting a picture of the church on the hill engraved into granite with a printed Gwich'in saying that recognizes the contribution of the elders to the community.  We will be having a feast to show them community support and let them know who they can turn to if they find that they are being victimized by individuals in the community.  I am working on addressing the issue of elder abuse and have a follow up speaker who is going to come in from Yellowknife to discuss it with the community.   It is not uncommon for family members and bootleggers to take the debit card of various elderly individuals and get money for themselves.  There is a strong community connection that obligates parents to care for their children's needs even when they are being taken advantage of by their own friends and family. 

The RCMP are stationed in Fort McPherson about 45 minutes South of Tsiigehtchic.  They patrol the area on a regular basis but need input from the community regarding issues of concern.  When the roads are blocked during the ice break up in the Spring and freeze up in the Winter there are no RCMP in the community.  There never have been.  There is a nurse that stays in town twice a year for the six weeks the roads are blocked.  A person can be removed for medical care by helicopter and there are people trained in first response medical care.

Tsiigehtchic is a dry community and alcohol is prohibited so bootleggers charge a lot of money for alcohol.  The community is realizing that the RCMP needs to know what is happening in order to intervene and more efforts are being put in place to get the right information to the police.  Bootleggers leave their stash on the side of the road and drive into town looking for police vehicles.  They go back for the alcohol when they see that the coast is clear.  It is easy to spot trails into the bush off the side of the road so many have figured out that you can throw bottles individually into the snow where they are relatively undetectable.

You may go hunting for some of this treasure and hit the jackpot on your own.  This happens in the spring as there are many lost bottles that were not successfully retrieved.  Not quite the same as the gold rush!

Drin Gwiinzii


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

G.I. Jane

-8 and clear in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 8:45 and Sunset at 21:18.
56 more minutes than my last blog!  Time to break out the spring jacket!

BINGO TALLY - 9 Losses and 2 Wins!

This week's episode of Hell's Kitchen will be on Friday.  I switched my cooking day this week so my firing and the hiring of my culinary successor will be postponed until a later date.  Maybe I will stay in the game yet!  Host Gordon Ramsey will let you know if he is here by then!  I think he is too busy in California and the other sunshine states so I may make the cut and stay on as chief cook and bottle washer for another round. 

Well this past week I have been contemplating the idea of joining the Canadian Rangers.  There was a recruitment officer here last week and he will probably be back in the summer.  The people registered with the Canadian Rangers survey the land for access points to remote areas in the case of an emergency.  They map out dead radio areas and assist in search and rescue operations.  The brigade monitors a 300 km radius around the city.  That definitely does not cover Afghanistan so no worries.  But there is a rifle involved.  Seriously!

They use a #4 MK2(F) Lee Enfield Rifle.  I missed the land and parade drills but can join in the next time a recruitment officer is in town.  They are having a parade on Wednesday when they get back from their patrol.

It involves camouflage uniform pants, boots and we'll have to forgive them for the bright red shirts.  Not so covert.  I am not sure what colour the parka is as it is new I believe.

New on the adjustment front:

Wearing running shoes, capris and a hoodie outdoors is a sign of getting used to the North.  This doesn't happen in really cold weather but even at -25 it can be seen.  Today was a perfect day for it though.  Awesome temperature!  My amazing Canada Goose jacket was way too warm to wear.

I have been walking around with a shoe bag so that when I take off my boots indoors, I will have some shoes to wear.  This week my shoe bag stayed home and I walked around in my socks like everyone else.  Gasp!

You realize that animal fur really keeps you warm and has it's purpose in the North.  You might even get a pelt to put up on your wall.  It hasn't happened yet but just saying I drooled over a gorgeous fox hide today.

The store here is more expensive that in Inuvik and Fort McPherson.  When you can pay $6.22 to buy a large bag of chips and a pop you are starting to fit in.

And here is the big one.  This week I caught myself talking with an accent eh!  Hoooneeestly! 

Drin Gwiinzii

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Back-up Plan

-25 and clear in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 9:15 and Sunset at 20:52.
32 more minutes than my last blog!  The moon is beautiful in the clear night sky.

BINGO TALLY - 8 Losses and 2 Wins!

Spring ahead!  All of you who have tuned in to my cooking adventures are wondering how today went in the kitchen.  Things went better than last week but there were definitely a few kinks to iron out in the process.

This weeks highlights include switching todays meal menu with next weeks meal as not all the items were available.  They are in process of being tracked down for next week.  Stay tuned!  Pork chops and mashed potatoes sound simple enough.

Today became beef rice casserole and beet salad.  Woohoo!  I also made another batch of bannock with help from the lovely gym custodian who was filing in for the regular cleaner today.  She rocked!  I was on an episode of Trading Places.  I guess I should have cleaned while she cooked though if that was the case.  I did tell her that she earned double pay today.

I was loaded up with my two pans and even a pot today.  I had my measuring cups and spoons as well.  No grater.  I hesitated at the last second and decided against it after glancing at the recipe.  I did add some token cheese to the top of the casserole but was not devastated by the missing cheese grater today.

I used my pot to brown the meat and added the extra ingredients.  I started the beet salad in one of the pans wondering what was going to happen with this one and if anyone would eat it.  It had beets, red onion, cucumber, boiled eggs and some spices.   There was a yogourt and sour cream mix to put on over top.  I have to say I ate beet salad today and it was definitely good.

As I was using my one pot for the casserole, I ran out of options for boiling the eggs.  There was the iron pot I used last week to mix the bannock but it was a little questionable as the bottom seems to be a little rough looking and it is huge pot for a few small little eggs.  I poured some hot water from the teapot into a mug and added a tea bag while I sat and took some time to consider the situation.  I have probably had more litres of tea in the last month than I have had in my entire life!  Damn my tea has gone cold while I have been writing.  I will have to warm it up and add some honey.  Yummy!

I brought mixing bowls from the Magic Bus to cook with this time and they played an important role in the success of this meal.  Mixing the bannock was easier and making the dressing for the salad was easier.  They were fantastic!  A very wise and excellent purchase for the journey to NWT.  I considered using one of the glass mixing bowls to boil the eggs in the microwave but I wasn't sure how long that would take or what temperature to use.  I looked down at the large metal teapot on the stove in front of me and got an idea.  Eureka!  Yes I did make boiled eggs in the teapot on the stove.  I hope the custodian keeps that one under her hat!    

Definitely a good morning spent cooking with the custodian.

On to the next test.  Eating the meal!  I got a ride in a truck that I could step into without putting my feet up over my head to get in.  Very nice.  The meal was warm and on time.  Wait until they hear they are being served beet salad.  Eek.  What will happen then?

I didn't say anything at first and then someone asked what was in the yogourt.  Um...um is there a little too much yogourt?  Stall...stall.  He said, "No I just didn't know you could put vegetables is yogourt, it tastes good."  Phew!  I told them the ingredieats and they kept eating.  Two requests for seconds this time.  Going up in the world.  Tea pot boiled eggs and all!

More wisdom:

I have learned that not all labels on toilet paper are true,  The 176 sheet roll of 2 ply lasted three days this time.  Rip off.  The computer messed up when it counted the tissues!

I have come to learn some of the following signs of acclimatization to the North: 

Eventually you stop pulling your pant legs over the tops of your boots when you put them on. 

Eventually you stop holding on to recyclable products in the hope of finding some way to reuse and reduce them.  You eventually just thrown them out and move on.  There is a bin for pop cans in the band office though.  They are dropped off at the scrap yard in Inuvik.  Yeah!  I have four cans so far.  I forgot to bring them over today.  At the going rate of $1.51 to purchase a can of pop, I don't think you even come close to breaking even.

You eventually find yourself walking around and enjoying the lovely weather at -20 and higher.  It is possble to comment on the warm weather and complain about being too hot in the middle of the arctic winter.  When that happens, take off a layer!

I am sure I will see more adaptational changes in my learned habits and behaviour to come...I will let you know!

Drin Gwiinzii


Friday, March 11, 2011

Kindergarden Cop

-22 and fair in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 8:32 and Sunset at 19:37.
32 more minutes than my last blog!  The sun is shining directly through my window.

BINGO TALLY - 8 Losses and 2 Wins!

I had some questions about what I do from a few people.  I am the Community Wellness Worker.  I provide counselling and plan activities to promote good mental health and wellness in the community.  Being here is the opportunity I need to get experience in the field of counselling and to move on to the next level in my career.  Unfortunately, I can't talk about a lot of work related things in my blog.   

I did spend some time in the school today.  There are some new kids in town and the school population went from 25-30 overnight.  I would like to go into the school twice a week and get involved with some of the special needs kids as well as plan some health and wellness activities.  Anti-bullying, building self-esteem, drug and alcohol awareness...etc  I played dress up instead of reading a book as my charges wouldn't settle down long enough for me to turn a page.  I had a boy witch running through the library scaring people.  Elmo and cookie monster puppets took their frustrations out on each other.  Apparently they were not in the mood to play nicely.  I almost lost a kid in the tickle trunk after it was completely emptied out and well in the end at least they cooperated in cleaning the whole mess up.  I was thanked for spending my morning in the school.  Apparently the teachers enjoy having other people see for themselves what they go through every day.

Things I have learned:

Princess Smartypants is one hell of a girl!  by Babette Cole.  Ok I got to read one kids book today.

Adults can benefit from strings attached to their mittens so that they don't get lost

Your exposed hair turns white in the cold when you walk outside.

One single female uses a 176 sheet roll of 2 ply toilet paper in five days.
Interesting info to use when planning your next shopping trip.

Always run all of your water taps for a few minutes after the sewage tank has been pumped.

Your eyes will permanently water when you get old and your cheeks will be red forever if you skidoo without goggles on all the time.  Frost bite is not your friend.

Really big 12" deep dresser drawers are really cool

Jigging is a dance and a way to catch fish.  Imagine that!

Don't get smarty with me is a catch phrase in these here parts.

Drin Gwiinzii

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hell's Kitchen

-22 with a few clouds in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 8:49 and Sunset at 19:22.
40 more minutes than my last blog!  I think this counter will get stuck at 24 hours for sixty days eventually!

BINGO TALLY - 7 Losses and 2 Wins!  There has been slightly more money lost than won but it all goes to programs in the community.  The Spring Jamboree better be fantastic!  I will likely end up as a volunteer manning some station in the festival...:)

The following is a description of my day.  I have been attending the elders lunches every Monday and Friday.  I breathed deeply and volunteered to do the cooking this Monday and for the next three Mondays.

On the menu was ham and cheese quiche, coleslaw, bannock and fresh fruit with yogourt.

The meal is served at 12:00 noon.  I thought things through in the morning and figured that I will go to the school and start cooking at 10:00 am.  I bring two pans and a cutting board as I know these supplies are not available.  There were a few other things that were not available.  I learned the hard way.

The kitchen is a rectangle and you stand in the middle of the surrounding cupboards and drawers.  The one side with a window that opens into the gym has the clearest counter space.   

The kitchen is just off the school gym and many a meal has been prepared there.  I helped sort and put away the groceries for the elders lunch program for the month of March just a few days ago.  No big deal.

I have the recipes that were left for me at my request.  I can only cook from a recipe.  I brought in my own recipe for coleslaw as I knew ahead of time that there was not one available.

I also knew that this quiche was going to be crustless.  No way I am experimenting with pastry at this point.  I had made a crustless quiche in the past and knew it would be ok to bake the ingredients in the pan without the crust.  I thought maybe if I had time I might try to make the pastry.  As it turned out, I did not have time!

I did not spot the recipes right away but someone located them for me and I was ready to go.  4 eggs.  What, I will have to double this to feed 10 people.  Alright.  1 can of cream cheese soup.  Hey, that was not in the groceries.  Double check.  No.  Ok, use milk to substitute and keep going.

I knew ahead of time that there was no ham as ordered but that there was plenty of chicken.  I looked for the thawed out version in the fridge but no luck.  I go over to the freezer in the storage room and the bag I found was not laying flat so all the chicken was frozen in one big pile at the bottom of the bag.  Ok, there is a humungous microwave available.  I have never seen a microwave that huge.  I do a 360 search of all the cabinets around me.  I am able to find a paper plate by standing on a chair and reaching into one of the top cupboards.  I play around with the microwave settings and set the defrosting for 25 minutes.  Cooking it will take another half an hour.  Yikes!  Keep going.  Keep it moving.  Forward motion! 

I cut up the brocolli and add all the quiche ingredients to the pan.  Next is grated cheese.  I look in all the surrounding cabinets and drawers,  There is a row above and below so it takes a long time and you forget what you saw in what cupboard if you don't follow a meticulous pattern.  No grater!  Time is flying by and there is no way I am walking home to get it.  I cut the block of cheese into slices.  I cut the slices into small strips and cut the strips into small cubes.  I added it all into the pan.

The chicken is dethawed and looks almost cooked through so I cut it up and put it in the pan to bake for 50 minutes.  The bannock needs to cook for 40 minutes.  Conflict!

I make the bannock dough in an iron pot sitting on the counter.  I don't have enough pans and do the circle of cupboards again looking for a pan.  I knew I had seen one but I couldn't remember what cupboard it considered it's home.  I get my hands on it and get the bannock on the pan.  I have to race home to put it in the oven without warming it up first.  This one is for 40 minutes and the other for 50 minutes but with the off start time they will be ready at about the same time.  Pray for time to get back before either one burns.  Get going.  There is still coleslaw and dessert.

I get back and start on the coleslaw.  I do another 360 in the drawers looking for a vegetable peeler.  No deal!  I use a knife.  It is not a paring knife.  It is a big knife so I cut away from myself as I get the peeling off the carrots.  There is no chance they will be grated either.  I eventually get all the ingredients in the pan I brought with me.  I am glancing at the clock every minute on the minute.  Down to 15 minutes and I still have to cut up the fruit for dessert.  I have two bananas, two apples and a can of mandarin oranges.  I get the bananas and apples cut up and I have no bowl or pan to put them in.  I do another 360 and look in all the cupboards.  I spot a shallow cookie pan sticking out above the cupboard and ask a taller person to help me.  I put the cut up fruit on the pan with a tub of yogourt and the unopened can of mandarins.  That is how it is going to get there.  Things were getting down to the last five minutes.  My quiche is going to be ready as well as the bannock at the house.  I gather the coleslaw and fruit tray and figure I will head to the building where the lunch is going to take place.  My house is close by and I will be able to get the bannock on the way by as well.

I call the band office right before leaving and let them know that the food is ready but there is no one to take it to the elders lunch.  I get my jacket on and grab my things.  I leave the counter in a mess and promise the custodian that I will be back,.  He pulls the quiche out of the oven and puts tin foil over the top.  He will pass it in to the driver when he arrives.  My bannock is waiting!   Please, please, please don't be burned! 

I get down the stairs with my pans and start walking across to the band office.  I see a truck pull up.  News travels fast when there is food involved,  it's my ride!  I put my pan in the drivers seat and go back for the quiche.  This truck is huge.  There should be a step up but there is not.  The gunnel board is at my knees.  I am holding my pan and struggling to get up into the seat.  I have to pass the pan over to the driver and struggle to get myself in that beast.

It is a short ride.  I deposit my pans into the conference room and see that only two people have wandered in so far.  It's noon but I am still good for time.  Here's me running across the street to my place for the bannock.  Please, please, please don't be burnt!  I go through the kitchen/dining room/livingroom combo with my boots still on.  There is no carpet to worry about.  I pull open the oven door and take a breath.  I am pleased to see that inside is absolute perfection.  Yes!

The door on the oven doesn't close all the way so a little bit of extra cooking time seems to work out well.  I scoot back to the band office with the last piece of my meal and am ready to serve the food.  On time and fresh from the oven!  I did get a scowly face deserter during the meal but 8 others ate and a few plates went to elders in their homes who were not able to make it to the lunch.   

Phew!  Let's take a little time to plan for next Monday on Friday shall we?

I will add my coleslaw recipe because this thing is amazing.  It is weird all around but tastes amazing!  I mixed red and green cabbage for a nice effect.

Mahsi Cho (Thank You) and Good Night!

2 cups cabbage
1 medium grated carrot
1/2 chopped green pepper
1 chopped apple
5 tablespoons yogurt, lowfat
1 tablespoon mayonnaise, lowfat
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon dill weed
Wash the cabbage. Cut it into fine shreds, until you have 2 cups of cabbage.

Peel the carrot. Grate it with a grater. Chop half a green pepper into small pieces. Remove the core, and chop the apple. Put the cabbage, carrot, green pepper, and apple in a large mixing bowl. Stir together.

Put the yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice, and dill weed in a small bowl. Stir together to make a dressing.

Pour the dressing over the salad. Toss to mix. Add salt and pepper to taste.   

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stand By Me

-21 and clear in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 9:10 and Sunset at 19:03.
16 more minutes than my last blog!  Enjoying every wind free second!

I found someone who reported on the media blackout this past weekend.  Woohoo!
No one had any idea what was going on outside of the region.

I did find out later that there there were a few people on a different internet service that made some contact with the outside world.  I will have to get in touch with them if there are any further situations like this one. 

I have learned that the number of dishes in your cupboard directly influences the frequency that you wash dishes.  One plate means that you wash the dishes after every meal.  Four plates means that you wash the dishes after every four meals.  Of course you can prolong the process by using bowls, small plates or napkins and then well I guess you are leaving things too long.

I am busy organizing things in my little space.  I may need to send some back, or maybe I can keep it to sell when the next media blackout comes around and I get hungry.  I may also need it for emergency funds during spring break up when there is no way out of the community until the ferry is in the water.  Actually I have been doing well with the groceries I got in inuvik and the ones I packed with my things from home.

Better to lighten the number of possessions anyway.  How silly it is that we clutter our lives with so many things.  Maybe the garbage leaving our home should be equal to or less than the stuff we bring back into our living space.  Might need to start weighing it to be sure the clutter is not getting out of hand!

Things are getting back to normal after the big storm.  A few furnaces that froze up have been restored to working order.  I have canvassed the community for a dog that I can take for walks once in awhile.  I was not able to bring my Jack Rusell Terrier as they do not want any indoor pets in the residential buildings.  I will have to work on the situation.  I put up pictures over the weekend of my pups and some family photos.

I feel like something changed after sitting in the little Magic Bus for two days with the wind blowing at 70+ km/h and having no communication with the outside world.  I am not sure how exactly.  If I faced human vulnerability.  If I was wondering what the hell have I gotten myself into this time.  I think what really struck me was that no one knew what was happening.  I knew people would be wondering why the communication was out but not know why or to what degree.  I didn't have anyone to check in on me (although one of the maintenance guys stopped by to see if my furnace was working properly).  I don't want to say I was feeling all alone.  It was more than just the isolation.  It was the fact that no one could do anything about the situation.   Powerlessness. 

Something horrible is going on and there is nothing you can do to change the situation.  That was how I was feeling.  I am usually a very positive thinker and I got through the situation all in one piece but it left something with me.  When things are happening all around it's important to take the time to care for myself.

I missed BINGO on Tuesday and lunch at the school on Wednesday.  I better get back into the game tonight!  My steps are shoveled and the roads are all clear. 

I may try to get in to Inuvik this weekend.  I made some purchases at Sears and have to go to the "Beckett Business Centre," to pick them up.  Hopefully they aid in making the Magic Bus a little more comfortable.  Maybe I will even ask around and try to introduce myself to the infamous Mr. Beckett.

I met Dave in the Bookstore during my last two vists.  I am enjoying the use of my Ebook but the bookstore also carries some crafts and paintings from local artists.  The mittens and moccassins are beautiful.  I don't know that I will be able to get to the point where I am willing to pay the 300.00+ for one of the items.  I would like to and they are worth it but I don't know.  I will see if I can get someone local to make something for me perhaps. 

Drin Gwiinzii



Monday, February 28, 2011

The Weather Man

-19 and fair in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 9:18 and Sunset at 18:55.
32 more minutes than my last blog!  48 hours of blizzard wind and storm.  Now they say the weather is "fair."

In very local news (that was never reported outside the affected surrounding areas), all the cities in the Northwest Territories North of 60, lost their Northwestel phone and internet connections from Friday February 25, 2011 to Monday February 28, 2011 due to a broken communication tower.

This is easily fixable except for the extreme winds and blizzard conditions that initially caused the damage closed down the roads.  The howling winds.  Oh...the howling winds!

I took a video of them and had to take a second one as they got stronger and seemed even more determined to break into the Magic Bus.  I took a video of the door that leads to the little back patio.  Snow was coming in and the whistle from the wind was fierce.  Every noise you hear in the video is from the wind blowing on the Magic Bus.  It was so nice to finally hear quiet this morning.

This was at night.  The buidling you see outside the patio door of the Magic Bus is the store.  The sateliite is not mine unfortunately.

The wind blows with more ferocity later through the night and into the next day

The howling patio door frame.  I had to put a towel on the floor because I could feel a shower of snow everytime I walked past.  It was collecting in a pool of water on the floor.

In other news, I am 6 losses to 1 win in BINGO!  Revenge of the missed big box side bet!  Woohoo...managed to recover half of all my contributions.  I am scared to get back in the game and watch it go.

What is a little more scary though was that without the communication tower in operation we had no way of using debit, credit and/or the ATM machine.  It was a real moment where you see how technology has really shaped our lives.  I figured the winnings would get me through any necessary purchases at the store through the weekend. 

I did have my provisions from home to sort through and unpack so all was well but imagining the need to plan so differently without internet and/or telephone services was really thought provoking.

In other news, don't let Mayonnaise freeze in transition!!  The supply in my packages from home looked like this.

Drin Gwiinzii

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Storm Chaser

-1 and overcast in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 9:35 and Sunset at 18:40.
25 more minutes than my last blog!  You wouldn't believe the calm after the wind storm last night!

5 and 0 for BINGO with one close call and a failure to play the side bet big box.

I am now forced to exercise more than I ever do on a regular basis.  I got roped into walk therapy.  I have been thinking about it for some time though.  A walking and talking group.  Exercise and healing of the soul.

There was a huge wind storm last night that kept shaking all the doors and windows of the Magic Bus.  It was hard to sleep as the creaks were kind or creepy and scary. 

I was ecstatic to see some of my boxes.  I will have to dig and see what treasures I packed and forgot about over the last four weeks.

I will have a box night stand and side table in the livingroom for awhile.  Just like in my first apartment.  I also had boxes of books for chairs in my first apartment for awhile.  My first chairs were the fold up ones that come with a card table.  60.00.  Can't beat it!  I have two chairs right now and the two seater sofa.  It works.  The one chair is an old red office chair that has seen better days and the other is a regular boardroom type chair.

I have lots of ideas for groups and activities in the community but I seem to be stuck on organizing my work space.  There are lots of events right now to fundraise for the spring jamboree.  I get food on Friday and Monday night.  They are selling meals as a fundraiser.  Woohoo!  I get lunch at various places on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  No one goes hungry here!  I had caribou ribs and I thing caribou stew.  I still have to try dried fish.

I think more snow shovelling is going to happen today.  At least I didn't get snowed in to the apartment.  The snow was only a few inches high against the front door.  The warm and cold weather patterns are creating some storms throughout the area.  The Magic Bus is still solid on its foundation.

Drin Gwiinzii

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Money Pit

-12 and partly cloudy in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 9:48 and Sunset at 18:28.
8 more minutes than my last blog!  Walking around with no hat or mittens!

Well my boxes are arriving Wednesday.  I have gotten used to just the little I brought with me and I wonder if I will really need all those boxes!  I will let you know on Wednesday.  All the food will defintely be good as well as more clothes.  The hardest thing to find is clothing.  People order most of their clothing.

I came home from Inuvik to a new floor in the livingroom.  There were some busy little elves here all last week.  The carpet was pretty dirty.  I used a hair dryer to get several blobs of wax out of it in the first few days I was here.

So...here it is...the virtual tour of The Magic Bus.  I will sell it to you for 250 000.  Yes that is the price of real estate in these parts.  Any takers?  I am just renting but there are some houses for sale here and they cost between 200 000 - 300 000.  They are not always very big either.  Apparently it is the cost of building and laying the foundation because of the permafrost.  A lot of houses are on stilts above the ground.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

CBC Archives

-17 with a few clouds in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 9:52 and Sunset at 18:24.
8 more minutes than my last blog!  Still enjoying the nice weather!

Went out to the church today for service.  The bell rang at 2:30 pm and I was ready for it this time.  The hymn book has a picture on it of the church in Fort Simpson, NT where the Pope John Paul II visited in 1987.

Who wants to see a young Peter Mansbridge covering the story?

The Most Reverend Murray Chatlain Bishop of the Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith was in Tsiigehtchic at Christmas time.  The town is listed in the website.

Here are some more pictures from today.

I will think about doing a video tour of the interior of the Magic Bus for next time!

Drin Gwiinzii

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lucky Numbers

-14 with a few clouds in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 9:56 and Sunset at 18:20.
52 more minutes than my last blog!  After a few days of -40 weather it is summer weather here again at last!

I never thought I would be walking around in the Arctic commenting on how warm the weather is lately.  It is a sunny winter's day in a snow covered wilderness!

Well I have been debating on having a running calculation regarding my BINGO donations to local fundraising activities for the elder programs and planning the Spring Jamboree.  I am 4 and 0.  I have lost 70.00.  I do not know how big that number will get.  I didn't pay in to the extra side bets the last three times as I have had such bad luck and decided not to even bother.  Well last night I got the required big box on the side bet I didn't play into and lost it all (I was also one number away from a full card and someone else called BINGO)!  I would have had to split on the big box but now I will have a big decision for next time.  Side bets or not?  I usually put in 20.00 for three games and there are two 5.00 side bets for two more games on the last card.   I also can`t monitor more than two games unlike some people with ten or more.  Giggles all around at me and my one little card.  I am in the Arctic and here I am with such a perplexing and mundane problem. 

I was in Inuvik for training last week and am now back in Tsiigehtchic.  My happiest moment of the week was buying a new shower curtain.  I packed very well knowing my boxes may not arrive for a month (it has been three weeks now so here's hoping for next week)!  I brought bedding and one set of dishes with a four piece set of 9.99 utensils from IKEA.  The things I missed right away were a dishcloth, tea towel, plastic spatula and shower curtain.  I packed those things in the boxes that are on their way,.  Oh well you can't be perfect at everything. 

You should always remember the golden rule to bring a shower curtain to ANY new apartment, house or living space you will be occupying.  I knew that and well I was not so happy that I didn't abide by that wisdom.  I am happy I went to Inuvik just to remedy that situation.  There was some kind of important training to go to during the week but that was rudimentary compared to the joys of a nice, clean and fresh shower curtain.

The purchase of a BINGO dabber was also a financial transaction of epic porportions.  GOT TO HAVE IT!

Getting together with colleagues from Inuvik and the various outlying communities of Tuktoyaktuk, Ulukhaktok, Paulatuk, Fort Mcpherson and Aklavik illuminated the vast distance of the land and the isolation between us.  The Mackenzie sisters were reunited for 5 glorious trips to dinner at the town`s favourite haunt.   The last one was a blast!  I am sure we almost got kicked out with all our laughter and loud silly banter.  Stress relief!

The stress of the move and nature of the isolated location where I am working weighed on me for a moment in time.  The type of position I have taken in Health and Social Services also contributed to a significant number of tears and the need to de-stress this week.  It passed and I will be back to work on Monday.  You can probably reach me by mail with just my name and postal code X0E 0B0 but for those who want to send any uplifting letters to the North, you can reach me at General Delivery Tsiigehtchic, NT X0E 0B0. 

Drin Gwiinzii

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Mission

-26 and partly cloudy in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 10:22 and Sunset at 17:54.
25 more minutes than my last blog!  A break in the storm at last!

It was cold and stormy over the last two days.
I was able to get out today and take some pictures.

I have not seen much wildlife although I saw some tracks outside the Magic Bus this morning.  Something was lurking around last night.

I was trying to get some pictures of the ravens but they were not out much today.
They are absolutely huge.  They make Alfred Hitchcock's birds look pretty tame.
They would eat those birds for breakfast.  I should have taken pictures yesterday.
They were out flying in the storm.  Apparently they like to soar amd play in the wind on stormy days.

Here are some pics of my walk today...


You can click on the big icon of the first picture to see the comments and scroll through on your own or you can look at them with the slideshow feature.  Enjoy!

I heard the church bells ring this afternoon and I think some people went to the church for a makeshift service put together by the community.  I will have to check in on that next time.  There is a priest that comes very irregularily.  For a people devastated by the residential school system, there is a huge belief in God and the knowledge that he is the one who takes care of them on a daily basis.  There is a deep understanding that their experiences at the hands of religious people in the residential schools were not from the God that they look to for support every day.

Mahsi Cho (Thank You)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Julie and Julia

-17 with light snow in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 10:35 and Sunset at 17:42.
9 more minutes than my last blog!  I do need a shovel!

Here is the receipt of my first grocery trip before getting to Tsiigehtchic.
I looked for basil in five grocery stores before leaving.  I found it in Inuvik. 
I guess they have the inside scoop on Basil!  Happy spaghetti night for me!

The picture will go to full size and you can zoom in if you click on them.

I am off to BINGO night! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


-13 and overcast in Tsiigehtchic today.
Sunrise at 10:39 and Sunset at 17:37.
53 more minutes than my last blog!  We are complaining about the heat up here!

I arrived in Tsiigehtchic alive and well on February 04, 2011.

I found the right house in the dark and got the key to the trailer apartment.
The trailer I had originally thought could possibly be The Wellness Centre was the Elders Home.

I got my groceries and suitcases into the apartment late Friday night in the dark.
I had no phone or internet for the weekend!

I have been cleaning and cleaning.
Boys are so dirty!  The rubber seal around the fridge.  It needs help to get clean sometimes.

I will not sear your mind the picture of the grate next to the stove.
It has a thousand breakfasts in it.  I am not sure for how long but it has been way too long!

The stink valve froze and there was a bit of a smell in the trailer.
It was quickly and wonderfully remedied Monday morning.

I unplugged the bathroom sink with a chopstick. 
Another mental picture of goo you can live without.

The most fun was the tour of the city with the Northern Store owner.

You can see the mountains the Mad Trapper crossed in the distance.  I got the key to The Wellness Centre on Monday.  I could use the phone but did not have the password to the computer.  There was some confusion around the exact address of the trailer and further home internet service was delayed.  I got internet today February 09, 2011.  How long was that offline?  Wahh!

Here is my Magic Bus.  The first two doors are The Wellness Centre and the last door is to the apartment.
I can't close the screen doors so they creak in the wind a little through the night. 
The apartment has a second door with a little porch at the back.  Ahhh so cute!!!
This is the view from the apartment window.  The Tsiigehtchic sign is there in the larger view. 
They jokingly call the town, "Little Hollywood" because of the sign on the hill.