23 degrees and partly cloudy in Tsiigehtchic today.
24 Hours of Sunshine - Is still here!
There is a sunrise and a sunset posted on The Weather Network but it is still not dark in the evenings.
BINGO TALLY -17 Losses and 2 Wins!
I have been reflecting lately on the history of the things we have that can tell such stories. I am here with the 2001 Toyota Echo and the pups, Charlie and Shakespeare. Who knew one day they would go beyond the arctic circle?
Who knew I would be playing Mario Party WII in Tsiigehtchic with the neighbourhood kids twice a week? Who knew the care package from a friend would contain some food that was used to host a meal for the neighbours? Who knew that the towel from the care package would greatly assist in removing the inch of dirt off the car from the Dempster (yes the highway is a dirt road)!
The potentially useless give away of a wallet for signing up with Suzy Shier's frequent buyer program has found a use as a convenient light weight travel item. Who knew the beading loom I bought over 15 years ago would end up in the arctic circle and that I would be beading lots of fun pieces and making decorative pouches out of them from moose hide?
Who knew that my rubber boots would get a pound of Mackenzie River mud on them from treking along the beach in Tsiigehtchic?
That I would almost loose my sandals in a foot of mud unless I put on those rubber boots?
Quicksand (mud) is real and alive on the Mackenzie River beach! You can go more than knee deep!
That the diary I started almost ten years ago would chronicle my time North of 60?
That items I had been storing to donate to charities in gift baskets would be used for Scrabble tournament prizes? I won a nice travel pouch for personal items in the Scrabble Tournament. It's really nice and has come in very handy. The logo says Canadian North. Seriously Northern. Seeeeeriouly! I hear people say seriously and honestly in a long drawn out fashion in discussions. It's very easy to catch on to before you even realize that you have.
It strikes me sometimes when I go to use something and there in an interesting history of where I aquired it and where it has come. You never know what is possible and where you will find yourself in life.